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Cobscook Community Learning Center
Dormitory and classroom buildings
CCLCDormitory building | CCLCClassroom Building | CCLCDormitory south side |
CCLCTypical dorm room | CCLCTypical dorm room bath | CCLCCampus plan |
CCLCPerspective of both buildings | CCLCPerspective rendering | CCLCDormitory design phase heating energy model results analysis for multiple schemes |
CCLCClassroom building design phase heating energy model results analysis for multiple schemes | CCLCPerspective of dormitory |
The dormitory and the classroom buildings at the Cobscook Community Learning Center (the dormitory has been completed and the classroom building is currently under construction) were designed to use the limited available land on the campus in the most effective way possible. The buildings have high performance envelopes, solar hot water systems, and a campus-wide high efficiency cordwood boiler system.
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